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![]() | Bigalu (Interco) | |||||||
article | ![]() | caliber ( | ) | A (mm/100) | B (mm/100) | Price | |||
BS0818 | 8,75 x 12 | 330 | 192 | € | 21,95 | ![]() | ||
BS0819 | 12,5 | 330 | 192 | € | 21,95 | ![]() | ||
BS4432 | 19 | 330 | 190 | € | 38,95 | ![]() | ||


- A
- a-michel
- a-schild
- achievement
- adlah
- admiral
- agme
- ah
- aho
- ahs
- albor
- alpina
- altus
- am
- amida
- angelus
- ar
- arcadia
- arday
- arogno
- as
- asco
- assa
- aster
- atlantis
- audemars
- aurora
- aurore
- av
- avon
- B
- b-f
- baa
- barclay
- batou
- bauer
- baumgartner
- bayard
- becker
- beguelin
- belforte
- benrus
- bentima
- berger
- berna
- bettlach
- bfg
- bidlingmaier
- bifora
- bigalu
- blancpain
- blessing
- bovet
- brac
- braxmaiar
- breitling
- btc
- buhre
- bulla
- bulova
- buren
- buser
- buttes
- C
- canava
- cattin
- certina
- chaika
- champagne
- chezard
- chp
- cimier
- citizen
- civic
- civitas
- corgemont
- cort
- cortebert
- court-watch-company
- craven
- criblez
- culmina
- cupillard
- cvr
- cyma
- cyrus
- D
- dama
- damas
- derby
- desa
- diana
- diehl
- dila
- dodane
- doxa
- driva
- drusus
- duke
- duro
- durowe
- E
- earlington
- eaton
- eb
- ebauches-sonceboz
- ebel
- eberhard
- eberle
- ebosa
- ecly
- ehrhardt
- eiffert
- ej
- ekb
- elca
- election
- elem
- elgin
- elida
- elvira
- emes
- enicar
- enz
- epora
- eppler
- errington
- es
- essor
- estrella
- et
- eta
- eterna
- etoile
- europa
- euw
- excelsior
- F
- fake
- favor
- favre
- favre-leuba
- fe
- fef
- felsa
- femga
- fg
- fhf
- fiomi
- fleurier
- fmf
- font
- fontainemelon
- fonwiller
- forster
- france-ebauches
- freco
- frenca
- frey
- G
- gala
- generale
- geneva-sport
- genex
- germinal
- girard
- girard-perregaux
- girardet
- glashutter-tradition
- glycine
- gp
- grana
- grau-und-hampel
- gruen
- gsw
- gt
- gub
- guba
- gustave-bauer
- H
- h-roskopf
- h-s
- hafis
- hahn
- halos
- hamilton
- hampden
- hanhart
- havila
- hb
- hebdomas
- helbros
- helios
- helveco
- helvetia
- henzi-und-pfaff
- hercules
- heuer
- hirsch
- hision
- homis
- hovard
- hp
- hpp
- ht
- I
- illinois
- imaco
- imer
- imhof
- impera
- imperial
- ingersoll
- initiativ
- int
- inter
- interchangable
- interco
- intex
- invar
- invicta
- isgus
- iwc
- J
- jackie
- jaeger-lecoultre
- jap
- jaz
- jeambrun
- judex
- juillard
- junghans
- juvenia
- K
- kaiser
- kasper
- kf
- kienzle
- kirowski
- kohler
- kummer
- kurth
- kurtz
- L
- la-ponsine
- la-salle
- la-trame
- laco
- lancashire
- lanco
- lancyl
- landeron
- langendorf
- lapanouse
- larex
- lavina
- leijona
- lemania
- leonidas
- levy
- liengme
- liga
- lion
- lip
- locarno
- longines
- looping
- lord
- lorie
- lorsa
- lowe-und-schlange
- lowenthal
- luc
- luch
- lunesa
- luos
- luxor
- M
- m-mader
- maiche
- malboro
- malleray
- manzoni
- marc-favre
- mardon
- martel
- marvin
- mauthe
- medana
- median
- melano
- mentor
- meridan
- meta
- methoda
- meyer-und-studeli
- mf
- mido
- mieczta
- mildia
- mimo
- minerva
- minimax
- mir
- moeris
- molnia
- monroe
- mont-rose
- montilier
- morezzi
- moskwa
- movado
- mp
- msr
- mst
- muller
- muller-schlenker
- mv
- N
- nacar
- nardin
- national
- neova
- newmark
- nft
- ng
- nidor
- nouvelle-fabrique-tavannes
- novoris
- npx
- nys
- O
- o-epple
- o-schlund
- o-t
- octava
- oisa
- om
- omega
- ora
- ora-bfg
- orator
- orient
- orion
- oris
- osco
- otero
- otto-maire
- P
- palmtag
- parex
- park-time
- parrenin
- patek-philippe
- patria
- pedos
- perfecta
- perseo
- pery
- peseux
- peter
- phenix
- philia
- piaget
- picard
- pierce
- pobieda
- poljot
- porta
- postala
- pr
- precimax
- precision
- prevote
- puw
- R
- r-d
- raketa
- rax
- rayville
- razal
- reconvilier
- record
- recta
- rectius
- reform
- rego
- revox
- revue
- reymond
- ricoh
- rl
- roamer
- rocail
- rocheford
- rolex
- ronda
- roseba
- roskopf-patent
- rotary
- rw
- rws
- S
- s-e-f-e-a
- sada
- saleve
- sandoz
- saturn
- savoie
- schatz
- schild-company
- schlenker-grusen
- schuler
- seeland
- seiko
- sekonda
- semea
- serkisoff
- serpentine
- sfh
- shr
- sigma
- signal
- silvana
- skandia
- slava
- smc
- smith
- sofranhor
- solora
- solvil
- sonceboz
- south bend
- st-standard
- standard
- star
- stratford
- straub
- studio
- stuyvesant
- suza
- swiza
- T
- tavannes
- tag-heuer
- te
- tegra
- terra
- terrasse
- test
- thiel
- thomas
- thommen
- timex
- tip-top
- tissot
- tramelan
- troesch
- tschudin
- tudor
- U
- ultra
- umf
- unicorn
- unitas
- universal
- urania
- urofa
- ut
- uwersi
- V
- vacheron
- valjoux
- vc
- velma
- venus
- veto
- vetta
- villeret
- virtus
- vitori
- vufe
- vulcain
- W
- w-roskopf
- walde
- waldon
- waltham
- wasa
- wille
- wiosna
- wittnauer
- wolga
- wostok
- wotna
- wurthner
- wyler
- wyler-vetta
- Z
- zaria
- zenith
- zodiac
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Disclaimer: Balancestaffs.com is NOT AFFILIATED with, nor do we have any relationship with any of the watch brands that are featured on our website